Book Writers and Bloggers

diary-writing-1It has been said that everyone has a book inside them. Will you write your first book and will I write another book? Let’s try to understand why people write books. Having a published book gives you a certain credibility, and your first published book only allows you to call yourself a writer. It is only when you have two or more published books that you can call yourself an author.

Why the big distinction between writer and author you may ask? The answer is relatively simple, and the differentiation is the work ethic between a writer and an author. Authors will write daily, and they will normally set a target of the minimum number of words they will write.

Bloggers write too, and we will often wonder if they are just writers practising, or budding authors in training. Initially this may have been the viewpoint of why people Blog. Blogs could have been viewed as a way of getting your work known and potential publishers have found authors through blogging. ’50 Shades of Grey’ was originally a series of Blog posts.

If you are blogging because you feel you need the practice – STOP

Don’t waste your time or your readers’ time, get serious or go back to whatever it was  you were doing before you started blogging. Your intention should be to serve your readers, give them something valuable that is uniquely you – why should they read your blog if you did not give them something of you?

How often should you Blog? Whenever you have a thought, you should write a blog post! Yes – don’t overthink anything, just share your thoughts and you will find that you attract an audience who are real and truly love what you say. If you think you cannot just say what you are thinking, and it needs to be a certain way, written in a certain style or for a certain audience – then you cannot be true to your audience and they will no longer perceive you to be authentic. The world is looking for real, true and authentic, they don’t need what has been done already.

Think of it; everyone tries to make the better mousetrap, the faster car, the smarter smart phone, the more powerful computer. Yes, that is what everyone does and why would you want to write or do what everyone else already does? No one will want to read that, so why would you waste your time doing that?

The final question is: how many thoughts do you have, and how many blog posts could you write? Don’t let anyone tell you that you have too many thoughts or too many blogs. Just keep writing and sharing your thoughts as often as you can.

Here is to your blogging success … I look forward to seeing your name on my timeline.

Photo credit: freddie boy via / CC BY-SA

About RichSimmondsZA

Retired but still Disruptive
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7 Responses to Book Writers and Bloggers

  1. Richard

    I agree that blogging and writing your thoughts down for others to enjoy has no limitations.

    I would counter, however, the writing vs author paradigm. I would suggest that if someone has a faithful following (no matter how small or large) who actually read the muses of someone, then that someone is an author. I do not think that the number of books should be the benchmark.




    • RichSimmondsZA says:

      Jim yes I do agree that a blogger and a writer are the same. The question is always about frequency of publication. Is a writer simply a writer who has a blog and when could he be considered a true blogger?

      Liked by 1 person

      • Rich

        Good question! It is difficult to quantify the requirements to be a true blogger or author. Fundamentally, is there any real requirement to make the distinction. If the reader gains entertainment, knowledge or understanding of your topic then is not the goal of a writer, author, or blogger met. Or does there have to be some sort of interaction, as we are doing, to determine the real value of the written word?



      • RichSimmondsZA says:

        Jim for me interaction and connection will always be the most important. What use will it be to say your blog has a million readers and zero interaction.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Rich

        I completely agree. Thanks for the interesting conversation. Have an awesome day.



  2. Richard

    Thank you for this, I am inspired, I have been wanting to write but forever thought, I am not a writer yet so attracted to writing and the inside me has so much to share and get out there. This world of blogging has been opened up because of my new role in my professional career. I have stumbled across your posts in different platforms and enjoyed your content and I am one of the readers benefiting from what you have to say.

    Thank you, the book and bloggers blog inspired my first attempt into what is opening up in my life.

    I am grateful.


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