Education and Our Children

Screen Shot 2016-09-05 at 2.04.29 PMMention education and people will give you an opinion. The opinions range from what should have been done to what is not being done today. Education is often left up to the experts. In many cases parents send their children to school and believe that teachers or the school system will educate their children. What if that viewpoint is insufficient? Is there more to education than meets the eye? Yes, the most profound schooling happens in the heart of your home.

Children need love and recognition in the home to be successful in life.  When parents give children the right love and recognition, they feel more connected as they have something valuable to contribute. This causes them to be more attentive at school and they tend to learn more than children who are never recognised in the home environment.

Our duty as parents is therefore to love and recognise our children, understanding their opinions just like you would like them to understand yours. Listening makes up for 80% of our success in every area of our lives and I can assure you that if we just listened more and instructed less we would be better parents.

What if you allowed only the system to take care of their education and you did not mix it with your time, your heart and your interaction? Well the answer can be found in my article 16 Ways to Encourage your Children to Use Drugs

Photo credit: rolands.lakis via / CC BY

About RichSimmondsZA

Retired but still Disruptive
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